02 October 2010

Tips on Using English Verbs

Helli is trying to write an article, but he have difficult with verbs. He called Ken to come help him.
(Helli sedang mencoba menulis artikel, tapi dia mengalami kesulitan dengan kata kerja. Dia menelepon Ken untuk datang menolongnya.)

Ken: Okay Helli, so what is the problem?
(O.k. Helli, jadi apa masalahmu?)

Helli: Ken can you please tell me does this sentence sound right? "The plants have thrived in the correct conditions."
(Ken bisakah kau katakan padaku apakah kalimat ini benar? "Tanaman itu telah tumbuh dalam kondisi yang benar.")

Ken: Yes Helli, that sounds okay to me.
(Ya helli, menurutku kedengarannya bagus.)

Helli: Thanks ken. How about this sentence? "People have to spray in their fields everyday."
(Terimakasih Ken. Bagaimana dengan kalimat ini? "Orang harus menyemprot di dalam taman meraka setiap hari.")

Ken: What are they spraying Helli, that sentence doesn't really make sense but I don't know mucht about verbs.
(Apa yang mereka semprotkan Helli, kalimat tersebut kurang masuk akal tapi aku tidak tahu banyak mengenai kata kerja.)

Source: EnglisTown.com
You can download the audio here


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